Fix Windows 10 Error: Driver Power State Failure


Driver Power State Failure error appears when user upgrading their system to Windows 10 or using Windows 10. This error appears because of the faulty system drivers. Sometime outdated driver or unsuited driver can also generate this issue.In order to fix this issue you need to do is, uninstall the problematic drivers. When you get this error then restart your into safe mode and then simply uninstall the problematic drivers in Safe Mode.

Method 1: If you are unable to boot Windows successfully then follow the below given steps

Step 1: When you boot your system then you may see the system is Preparing Automatic Repair then the Startup Repair window will appear. Click on the Advanced Options, then the system will display Windows RE (Recovery environment.). If the Startup Repair window doesn’t appear, restart Windows again.

Step 2: Once you navigate to the Windows RE (Recovery environment) then click on the Troubleshoot.

Step 3: Click on the Advanced options à Click on the Startup Settings.

Step 4: Click on the Restart button.

Step 5: You can press 4 number key to enter into Safe Mode.


Method 2: If you are able to boot the system successfully then apply the below given steps:

Step 1: Press Win+R to open the Run dialog box.

Step 2: Type msconfig in the run box and click OK button.

Step 3: Click on the Boot tab. check Safe boot and click OK button.

Step 4: Click on the Restart then you will enter Safe Mode.

Once you boot your system into safe mode then follow the below given steps:

Step 1: Again open the run dialogue box and type devmgmt.msc in the run box and click OK button.

Step 2: Click on the category to expand it, find the devices with yellow sign.

Step 3: Right click on the problem device, Click Uninstall.

After the completion of uninstalling process, reboot Windows. If you use method 2 to enter safe mode then uncheck Safe boot then reboot Windows.

You can also visit: How to Fix ‘Driver Power State Failure’ Error in Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Fix this issue automatically:

To get rid of Driver Power State Failure error you can also go with the automatic method. Download System Driver repair Tool and install in on the affected system. When you run this app then it will automatically detect and fix all types of driver related issues with ease. This tool will also enhance your PC performance by removing all types of errors. This tool is completely automatic so you don’t need to operate it.


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